The Art of Boatbuilding’s Bob Emser has built himself a beautiful wooden Joel White designed Haven 12 1/2. This week he’s building and attaching one of the most beautiful parts of his boat and he’s selected gorgeous walnut for the job. Bob is scarfing together three pieces of the walnut to use as the coamings, and he explains his process beautifully in this video.
Using High Performance epoxy thickened with wood dust from his walnut pieces, and a technique we recognize from Lou Sauzedde of steaming the planks in place with a home-built steaming bag, Bob gets the coamings dry fit and ready to finish. We can’t wait to see Bob pop the grain on the walnut with coats of Lust Varnish, coming in his next episode. Until then enjoy another joyful video from a true artisan who truly understands the “art” of boatbuilding. Happy Friday!