We are finally back in the Open Door Boatshop with Louis Sauzedde and his TotalBoat Work Skiff project. It’s time to trim the bottom planks that were attached and left hanging over the side. As Lou explains, he prefers to let the boards on the skiff “hang over” beyond where they will be trimmed, and then to “cut off” the excess. It’s a method that Lou feels ensures a proper cut with less costly mistakes which would require new boards and he uses this trick on every plank he attaches to the skiff.
Join us for Episode 18 and pick up Louis’ standard “Tips” on how to work with screwheads that have been damaged and some handy advice on the best use of hand planers and electric planers – each has a time and a place for use and Lou wants to show you when and where each work best.
The skiff is almost ready to flip over and start painting. Stick with us as we visit Lou’s boat shop and marvel at his “old man methods” and fun vernacular and colorful commentary. Please comment below, because as you will notice in this video, your comments and questions are being delivered to Lou and he is addressing them and getting you answers.
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