When woodworker, Bart Komar, approached us about his crazy idea for participation in a “bent wood challenge,” we knew it sounded like something we could help him win. Not only because he would be using our Thixo, Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer, and Halcyon varnish on his build, but also for the love we have for bending wood. The challenge was simple: create something out of bent wood.
For us boaters, we were excited to see those not familiar with the process, laminating, and bending wood. Many struggled – most didn’t do it the way any boatbuilder knows how to accomplish a nice bend in laminated wood. But we can all learn from each other and Komar pushed through many challenges to win the entire #bentwoodchallenge. What do you think about his varnished bent wooden bike and how different and creative is this bike for a woodworker who has never bent or laminated wood before? We think it’s pretty sweet!