Henry Red’s Deck Beams and Carlins

TotalBoat Ambassador, Scott Smith’s YouTube channel, Six Points Woodworks has been showcasing his trawler build for a few years now. Like many of the other backyard boatbuilders, the shell of the hull is built and Scott is working on deck beams, carlins and bulkheads. Using our Traditional 5:1 Epoxy Resin that he thickens with Silica, Scott attaches perfectly shaped deck beams which are strengthened at the attachment point thanks to this addition. Bronze fasteners are making a special appearance, after a little clean-up, thanks to a donor, and ThixoPro of course keeps the project moving for Scott. He uses it for smaller applications, saving the mixing time of several small batches, and allowing Scott to move steadily down the line of beam attachment points.

Similar to the Vela restoration that we documented, Dan Shea’s construction of the deck beams and carlins was a showcase of perfectly cut notches and precisely beveled boards. Nothing is every straightforward – literally – in boatbuilding and Scott, like Dan, does a great job of dry fitting each beam and board before adding the epoxy resin to the joint. It’s amazing to see the pieces come together and you can’t help but be satisfied watching these pieces get fastened to Henry Red’s hull.

Tune in for today’s video of the week and marvel at how Henry Red is taking shape.

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