After the popularity of Louis Sauzedde’s first TotalBoat Work Skiff that he built with us on his Tips from A Shipwright channel, the world has been hungry for more. In fact, aside from a pile of requests for plans from ambitious boat builders, there has been a steady stream of interest in commissioned skiffs built by Lou. This skiff is a bit longer than the first was, and Lou has constructed some unusual seats for the owner who hopes to use it more as a pleasure craft. Using WetEdge Topside Paint he rolls and tips a smooth white finish onto the faired wooden sides. His assistant, Kenneth, is back to apply his gold-standard varnish treatment using two coats of Wood Sealer first. Three coats of Lust Rapid Recoat Varnish are brushed on top to provide a solid foundation of protection on the wooden gunwales.
Tune in for more with Lou as he sends this recent build on its way to make room for the V-Bottom Skiff and then, after that, the big project: the building of an Orca replica. Tune in for updates here as Lou and his team move steadily towards becoming a production work skiff facility – well, maybe not quite, but those in line for one of this super craft would love to believe that to be true. We’ll keep you up to date with the inner workings of Lou’s shop and his progress on the many watercraft in the Louis lineup! Enjoy!